Make a Plan(t).
Spring is soon approaching.
We LOVE this time of year!
We’re all warming up our green thumbs to start planting some of Mother Nature’s best into our yards. Before we all dig in though, our experts here Hinsdale Nurseries are here to share ways to make your planting process as successful as possible.
Here are 3 go-to tips!
- Plot out where your plants will go beforehand. Make sure you have the appropriate spacing so your plants can thrive and expand!
- Define and appropriately place shade-requiring plants (versus sunlight) in the according area for ultimate success.
Some recommended shade plants:
Serviceberries (ornamental trees)
Redbud (ornamental tree)
Chokeberries (shrubs)
Oak Leaf Hydrangeas (shrubs)
Fothergilla (shrub)
Sun King Aralia (perennial)
Pink Turtlehead (perennial)
Anemone (perennial)
Just like you, these guys don’t want a sunburn!
3. Call us if you need a hand! Whether you have a question or want to recruit our expert landscape designers to start drafting your personalized plan, we are always happy to help.
This video gives a glimpse into how we work our magic.
Call 630-323-1411 for more information.
Connect with Us!
7200 S. Madison St.
Willowbrook, IL
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5GUOu9abCvL9ZDNJBSunrA
Website: https://hinsdalenurseries.com/
This Post Has 2 Comments
Is there a shrub that grows rapidly to at least 6ft and provides privacy in less than 3 years. I do not like the Arborvitae. Are there any other choices>
Cheyenne privet grow very quickly.